Wildlife Removal Services in North Carolina

Expert Wildlife Removal to Keep Your Home and Family Safe

Are you experiencing unwanted wildlife intrusions in your home? Whether it’s the sound of scurrying in your attic or an unusual odor coming from your crawlspace, our wildlife removal service is here to offer a comprehensive solution. At Allegiant Pest Control, we specialize in the humane and environmentally conscious removal of a wide range of wildlife species, ensuring the safety and comfort of you and your family.

Types of Wildlife We Remove

Our team is skilled in handling various types of wildlife intrusions, including but not limited to:

  • Opossums
  • Squirrels
  • Bats
  • Birds
  • Beavers
  • Muskrats
  • Nutria
  • Snakes
  • Moles
  • Voles
  • Racoons

Humane and Environmentally Conscious Approach

We are committed to ensuring that all animals are removed safely and humanely. Our approach employs the use of one-way traps and exclusion methods that allow the animals to exit your home without the possibility of re-entry. This method not only protects the wildlife but also prevents unnecessary harm to the environment.

Comprehensive Inspection and Removal

To ensure thorough and effective removal, we use advanced tools such as thermal imaging cameras to conduct detailed inspections of your property. This allows us to locate hidden intruders and address any potential entry points.

After identifying and removing the wildlife, we also offer repair services to seal any access points, making sure your home stays secure from future invasions. We offer an annual inspection and warranty with each exclusion we perform. Our team is dedicated to providing long-term solutions that offer peace of mind.

Located in Camden, North Carolina, we proudly serve the local community and surrounding areas. Our professional and courteous team is always ready to assist you with your wildlife removal needs.

Don’t let unwanted wildlife disturb your home any longer. Contact us today to schedule an in-home inspection and reclaim the sanctity and safety of your living space. Together, we can bring wildlife back to its natural habitat, where it belongs.